A teacher sits at a table with several elementary school students, holding up a small whiteboard that reads "twelve times five equals"

Teaching and Learning

Quality teaching and learning are at the core of everything we do. We not only train the best teachers using the latest research on how students learn, we also evaluate educational innovations, partner with schools across the country, and much more.

of Teacher Education graduates obtain licensure

Center for Advanced Study of Teaching and Learning

CASTL is an interdisciplinary research center that aims to advance the quality of teaching and learning, from infancy to higher education. Our research initiatives span the globe and our faculty are leading the way to promote meaningful changes in education.

CLASS: Classroom Assessment Scoring System

CLASS™ is an observational instrument developed at the University of Virginia to assess classroom quality in PK-12 classrooms. CLASS™ can be used to reliably assess classroom quality for research and program evaluation, and also provides a tool to help new and experienced teachers become more effective. 

million dollars of CASTL research funding over the last decade

MyTeachingPartner™, or MTP, is a system of professional development supports developed at CASTL. MTP improves teacher-student interactions, which in turn increases student learning and development.

Related News: Teaching and Learning

Research Labs: Teaching and Learning

  • Research Lab

Foundations of Cognitive Learning Lab

The FOCAL Lab studies the cognitive processes that underpin learning throughout the school years. The cognitive foundations that are central to our studies include motivation, executive function and self-regulation, sensorimotor and visuospatial processing, phonological skills, and general knowledge of the world. 

  • Research Lab

Engineering Design Initiative

The Engineering Design Initiative aims to foster advanced and innovative performance across a range of subjects by integrating engineering design into K-12 classrooms. 

  • CTL
  • Research Lab

Contemplative Teaching and Learning Lab

The Contemplative Teaching and Learning Lab applies the contemplative sciences to informing our understanding of life-span development and education.

  • Research Lab

Robert H. Tai Research Group

The Robert H. Tai Research Group is a research team based at the School of Education and Human Development at the University of Virginia.  This multi-institutional team conducts quantitative and qualitative research on major issues in Science Education.  The overarching goal is to produce robust empirical data that targets national policy, with the outcome of developing science students into productive and contributing scientists.

  • Research Lab

The 21st Century Learning Project

The aim of the 21st Century Learning Project is to create a framework of a common language, theory, and operational plan for societies to promote citizens’ learning in the 21st century. This framework will organize an expanding global network of engaged partners collaborating in an iterative process of refinement, application, and expansion.

Research: Teaching and Learning

Kids on Earth

The book offers a clear-eyed view of growing up in modern times, then explains learning in contemporary terms -- with an emphasis on cognitive science, memory and relationships.


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Teaching and Learning

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