Three teachers gathered around a table. Two teachers are facing the third. They are smiling and have notebooks on the table.

Introducing Tomorrow's Teachers Fund: Bridging the Gap for Aspiring Educators

The new fund will provide support to students in the school’s teacher education program.

Tiffany Tolson

In response to the evolving landscape of teacher preparation and the pressing need for more accessible pathways into the profession, the School of Education and Human Development proudly announces the Tomorrow's Teachers Fund. Designed to nurture tomorrow's top educators, this initiative aims to make teacher education programs more accessible and affordable.

Recognizing the costs associated with pursuing a career in teaching, the Tomorrow's Teachers Fund will provide crucial tuition assistance of up to $30,000 for students with demonstrated financial need. This support extends to both full-time and part-time students pursuing bachelor's or master's degrees in teacher education.

The School of Education and Human Development boasts a stellar reputation, consistently ranked among the nation's best in preparing educators for success. Offering formal teaching degrees leading to licensure in Virginia, as well as alternative routes to licensure through a variety of professional learning modules, the school provides a comprehensive platform for educators to thrive.

“Central to our teacher education program is wraparound student supports,” said Jillian McGraw, director of the teacher education program. “Our comprehensive services promote degree completion and provide essential guidance and resources to empower students throughout their educational journey.”

By providing more pathways, affordability, comprehensive support, and research-backed curricula, the program is poised to shape a generation of educators ready to tackle the complexities of modern education and make a lasting impact in classrooms across the commonwealth.

The launch of Tomorrow's Teachers Fund is made possible by a $500,000 startup grant from the UVA Parents Fund, bolstered by generous contributions from board members, alumni and friends of the school.

“This significant investment underscores a collective commitment to nurturing the next generation of educators and ensuring that financial barriers do not impede the student journey,” said Dean Stephanie Rowley. “I am deeply grateful to the UVA Parents Fund, the advancement board, and our alumni, faculty and staff for their stalwart support of Tomorrow’s Teachers Fund.”

With Tomorrow's Teachers Fund, the School of Education and Human Development reaffirms its dedication to fostering a diverse, talented, and well-prepared cohort of educators, poised to make a lasting impact on the future of education in Virginia and beyond.

The first cohort of Tomorrow’s Teachers Fund recipients begin their program this summer. Additional support is needed to establish an endowment. The goal is to raise $50 million for the Tomorrow’s Teachers Fund. To learn more about Tomorrow’s Teachers Fund or to make a contribution visit

Tomorrow's Teachers Fund

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Tiffany Tolson