Sara Rimm-Kaufman

Sara Rimm-Kaufman

  • Chair, Department of Education Leadership, Foundations and Policy
  • Commonwealth Professor of Education

Office Location

Ridley Hall 238
PO Box 800784
405 Emmet Street S
Charlottesville, VA 22903


Over the past twenty years, Sara Rimm-Kaufman has led a dynamic team of researchers, project managers, post-docs, students, and staff toward an improved understanding of the systematic ways that classroom social and psychological experiences are productive (or not productive) environments for child and youth development. In doing so, her research considers the diversity present in schools, respects the challenges that teachers face every day, and recognizes the complexity of school improvement.

Rimm-Kaufman and her team have received numerous grants from the National Science Foundation, the Institute of Education Sciences, and private foundations (e.g., Carnegie, Templeton) and have authored more than 100 chapters, articles, blogs, and websites. She also serves in a research advisory capacity for the World Bank Group, EL Education, New Schools Venture Fund, and other organizations. She is a fellow of the American Psychological Association (Division 15) and American Psychological Science.

Rimm-Kaufman has co-directed the IES-funded Virginia Education Science Training (VEST) doctoral training program since 2004 and has directed the IES-funded VEST post-doctoral training program since 2008. She advises master's and doctoral students in the Educational Psychology–Applied Developmental Science program. In addition, she teaches undergraduate courses in learning and development, educational psychology, and social development. 


Ph.D., Harvard University, 1996
M.A., Harvard University, 1993
B.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1990

Curriculum Vitae



  • Development of self-regulation
  • Children's self-control
  • Teacher interactions with students
  • Social and emotional learning
  • Teacher development
  • Mathematics education
  • Elementary school classrooms

Featured Research

Empowering Elementary Students through Environmental Service-Learning

We present five ways to amplify student voices in service-learning. Examples from teachers that we work with illustrate these steps.


Faculty Associated

Lab or Initiative Associated

A Partnered Approach to School Change in a Rural Community: Reflections and Recommendations

The collaboration provided clear evidence that sustained change will occur only if it aligns with the goals of school leaders and fully engages members of the community, and it sheds light on the unique challenges and strengths present in a small rural community that will influence foundation work. The process also produced five recommendations for foundations that seek a partnered approach to school change.


Faculty Associated

Lab or Initiative Associated

Featured News