What We Do
Youth-Nex is a trans-disciplinary center with a translational approach to scholarship and innovation that is central to its work.
Our Focus
We focus on three core domains: a) Out-of-School Time; b) Educational Systems: Middle School; and c) Community Engagement: Civic and Political.
Our Aim
We aim to expand and apply the science of Positive Youth Development to enhance the strengths of youth and to prevent developmental risk such as violence; physical and mental health issues; substance abuse and school failure
Youth-Nex Initiatives and Projects
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Youth-Nex Research
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Department or Center Associated
Lab or Initiative Associated
Youth-Nex News
Q&A: Helping Youth Thrive in a Digital World
From AI to smart watches, tech in teens’ lives reaches far beyond social media. A UVA expert weighs in on how adults can work with youth to engage with digital technologies while protecting their mental health.
Related Labs
Contact Us
Mailing Address
PO Box 400281
405 Emmet Street South
Charlottesville, VA 22904