Educational Psychology - Applied Developmental Science: M.Ed. - Master of Education
Transform the lives of children and youth at the intersection of science and human development. Designed specifically for students interested in learning how developmental processes influence learning, performance and behavior.
At a Glance
Program Results
M.Ed. - Master of Education
Educational Psychology-Applied Developmental Science
Career Objective
Our students work as educators, researchers, practitioners, and consultants, in settings such as schools, research and policy organizations, consultancies, academic research centers, community-based organizations, nonprofit youth-serving, or health-related agencies.
Best Suited To
Anyone who is interested in transforming the lives of children and youth at the intersection of science and human development.
Program Type
- Full Time
- Part Time
- In-Person
Estimated Length
- Full Time: 1 year
- Part Time: 1.5-3 years
Application Deadline
Summer entry:
- February 1
- Applications reviewed on a case-by-case basis until May 1, if space allows.
About This Program
The M.Ed. in Educational Psychology – Applied Developmental Science (EP-ADS) program provides strong faculty mentorship, hands-on learning and a 200-hour, six-credit internship experience.
Coursework focuses on the development of children, youth and adults in their social contexts, takes a strength-based approach to improving the lives of children and youth, and relies on rigorous research design to examine questions relevant to practice and policy.
We value the varied perspectives that come from students who have worked with children and youth in a variety of countries and programs.
Program Benefits
- Advisors provide individual mentoring to students as they refine their interests and career goals; students work closely with their advisors to select courses, select a comprehensive exam topic and choose an internship.
- Internships in our program offer students the opportunity to learn about research and development from leaders and practitioners in the field. Students can conduct research at the Center for Advanced Study for Teaching and Learning (CASTL), the Youth-Nex Center to Promote Effective Youth Development or in other research organizations. They may also apply their knowledge and skills to work in community organizations or school districts.
- The program is rigorous: we will challenge students to think broadly about development so that they will be able to solve real-world problems, and to make a difference in the social contexts of children, youth and/or adults in their future work.
- Departmental funds ranging from $1000-$4000 are awarded each year to assist a few exceptional students with tuition costs.
Program Life
Students spend their days attending small classes, reading about engaging topics, reflecting and writing about contemporary issues in education, discussing research methods with other students and faculty and participating in research studies and programs designed to promote the positive development of children, youth and adults.
Opportunities for Engagement in Research
Students who are interested in pursuing careers in research or academia can elect to join a research lab for the duration of their program. They learn about active research from their secondary advisor and contribute to data collection and analyses. These students often contribute to research products such as conference proposals for the School's research conference or other regional or national conferences. Highly motivated students with strong writing skills may also contribute to writing empirical papers. Read about a recent paper written by one of our program graduates with the support of her faculty mentor.
Opportunities for Work with Children and Youth
Students who are interested in working in a school or youth program will intern for a local organization such as City Schoolyard Garden, ReadyKIDS, Boys and Girls Club, or Young Women Leaders Program. Our part-time students who are practitioners will reflect on what they learn here as they try new strategies to motivate and engage youth in their classrooms or programs.