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This charting your course resource for youth provides a decision tree with links to resources as teens decision their next steps.

This charting-your-course resource for youth describes steps to identify the problems that matter most to youth.

This charting-your-course resource for youth describes strategies to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the problem youth identify.

This charting-your-course resource for youth describes how to create a focused statement that describes a challenge or issue you intend to address.

This charting-your-course resource for youth describes how to review existing information and data.

This charting-your-course resource for youth describes how to outline the steps necessary to address the problem.

This resources provides tips and takeaways for caregivers using the Portrait of a Thriving Youth framework of developmental domains.

Department or Center

This resource provides tips and takeaways for educators using the Portrait of a Thriving Youth framework of developmental domains.

Department or Center

This resource, for both adults and youth, is about how to research ideas and key findings with a wide range of audiences.

This self-assessment can help you reflect on how well your program, setting, or system is supporting thriving in each of the six domains described in the Portrait of a Thriving Youth.

Department or Center