Beth Schueler

Beth Schueler

  • Assistant Professor

Office Location

Ridley Hall 268
PO Box 400277
405 Emmet Street S
Charlottesville, VA 22903


Beth Schueler is an Assistant Professor of Education and Public Policy. She studies education policy, politics, and inequality with a focus on efforts to improve low-performing K-12 schools and districts. She uses both quantitative and qualitative methods to learn which policies are most effective at improving educational organizations and what makes these policies more or less politically viable. She also has a strand of research examining the role of educational organizations in developing students’ civic competencies and argumentation skills. Her work in these areas has been published in journals such as Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, Education Finance and Policy, and Public Opinion Quarterly, and has been covered by media outlets such as the New York Times, Boston Globe, and Education Week. Prior to joining the faculty at UVA, she was a postdoctoral research fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. 


Ed.D., Harvard University, 2016
M.A., Columbia University, 2010
B.A., Whitman College, 2005

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Strong evidence points to equity and well-being benefits from well-designed programs.


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