“The disparities we see in K-12 schools and in our society in general emerge between the time a child is born and the time before they even enter the school system.” –Daphna Bassok, associate director of EdPolicyWorks

Early Childhood Projects

  • Research Project

Virginia’s Federal Preschool Development Grant Birth-5

In December 2018, the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) received a federal Preschool Development Birth through Five Initial Grant Award (PDG B-5). In partnership with the Virginia Early Childhood Foundation (VECF) and researchers at UVA, VDOE began a set of efforts to improve early childhood opportunities at scale. In January 2020, VDOE received a three-year PDG B-5 Renewal Award to continue this work.

  • Research Project

Study of Early Education – Louisiana

Through a long-standing research practice partnership with the Early Childhood Office in the Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE), our team at UVA and UCLA is working to better understand the impact of Louisiana’s QRIS and other reform efforts on creating system-wide ECE improvement.

  • Research Project

UVA Research Survey on Efforts to Retain Maryland Early Childhood Educators

The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) has engaged with a research team based at the University of Virginia (UVA) to conduct a Maryland Child Care Workforce Survey. Results from the survey will help MSDE gain insights into the early childhood workforce during a period of pandemic recovery. The questions will focus on topics such as financial wellbeing, compensation, and job satisfaction and retention. 

IRB-SBS #5536