In a recent piece published in The Conversation, Associate Professor Rachel Wahl writes about the value in talking across the political divide.
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Bots may stoke fear and influence public opinion by flooding internet feeds with posts on specific issues.
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Associate Professor Rachel Wahl is expert at facilitating conversations among people who have different political opinions. She is Jim Ryan’s guest on the season opener of his podcast, “Inside UVA.”
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In The Conversation, Professor Wahl shares what her observations of college students have taught her about how to support a better experience for them.
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Associate Professor Rachel Wahl is helping students understand and embrace the value of talking with people who hold different political opinions.
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A University of Virginia fund with an annual pool of $700,000 has provided several faculty members, including UVA EHD's Jennie Grammer and Rachel Wahl, with seed money to invest in their research.
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Rachel Wahl shares how taking a step back and asking important questions is critical to the work of improving education and human development.
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A team of faculty and students from the School of Education and Human Development worked with practicing educators to launch a new online resource hub, “Educating for Democracy.”