Tisha Hayes

Tisha Hayes

  • Professor of Education
  • Director, McGuffey Reading Services

Office Location

Bavaro Hall 319
PO Box 400273
417 Emmet Street S
Charlottesville, VA 22903


Tisha Hayes, teaches in both the teacher preparation and reading education programs and serves as the advisor for Ed.D. students in the literacy leadership and coaching area of emphasis as well as program coordinator for the reading program. She is also the director of UVA’s McGuffey Reading Clinical Services, where the clinical staff works to provide students across the grades with diagnostic and intervention services, including evaluations for dyslexia and interventions based on a structured literacy approach. As a special educator, reading specialist, and literacy coach, Hayes has taught students with reading difficulties and disabilities across the elementary and middle grades. She is co/author of several books, including Playful Activities for Reading Readiness, Literacy Intervention in the Middle Grades, and Developing Word Recognition; past president of The Reading League-Virginia; and member of UVA’s General Faculty Council. Hayes most recently served on the International Literacy Association’s Dyslexia Task Force.



Ph.D., University of Virginia, 2004
M.Ed., University of Virginia, 1998
B.A., Radford University, 1993

Curriculum Vitae


Featured Research

Validation of an instrument for assessing elementary-grade educators’ knowledge to teach reading

This article describes the development and validation of the Teacher Understanding of Literacy Constructs and Evidence-Based Instructional Practices (TULIP) survey, which assesses teacher knowledge in the domains of (a) phonological awareness, (b) phonics, decoding, and encoding, (c) reading fluency, (d) oral language, and (e) reading comprehension.

Forty Years of Reading Intervention Research for Elementary Students with or at Risk for Dyslexia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

This study meta-analyzed experimental or quasi-experimental intervention studies conducted between 1980 and 2020 that aimed to improve reading outcomes for Grade K-5 students with or at risk for dyslexia (i.e., students with or at risk for word reading difficulties, defined as scoring at or below a set norm-referenced screening or mean baseline performance threshold).

Effectiveness of Interventions for English Learners with Word Reading Difficulties: A Research Synthesis

This study meta-analyzed the last four decades (1980–2020) of reading intervention research focused on improving reading outcomes for English language (EL) students in Grades K–5 with or at risk for word reading difficulties.

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