The UVA Rotunda at sunrise

Research, Statistics & Evaluation: Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy in Education

Graduates of the Ph.D. in education with a concentration in research, statistics and evaluation program are educational scholars who are prepared for careers in university settings or research organizations.

At a Glance

Program Results

Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy in Education

–Research, Statistics and Evaluation

Career Objective

The Ph.D. program provides students the opportunity to develop the necessary skills to excel in a variety of research settings. Recent graduates have gone on to positions including research assistant professor, post-docs, and assistant professors at UVA, Johns Hopkins, Clemson University, James Madison University, and Rutgers University; others have found positions of leadership in state or national educational agencies and organizations, or in profit and non-profit private educational firms or in industry. 


Best Suited To

Students seeking to conduct original research and interpret and communicate the results of such research as authors, university professors, and governmental or research agency officials.

Program Type

  • Full Time


  • In-Person

Estimated Length

4 years

Application Deadline

December 1



About This Program

The Ph.D. in education with a concentration in research statistics, & evaluation program balances breadth and depth in theory and practice through a variety of student experiences. The program develops educational scholars who seek to conduct original research and interpret and communicate the results of such research as authors, university professors, and governmental or research agency officials.

The program consists of four interrelated components that provide a set of common core experiences, as well as flexibility to accommodate individual student interests and needs. The four components include:

  1. A set of required foundational courses designed to develop students’ understanding of the nature, limits, and sources of human inquiry and knowledge to become proficient in planning, conducting, and interpreting findings of educational research and evaluation
  2. Additional elective courses designed to assist students in acquiring a deeper understanding and expertise in specific inquiry methods and analytical tools
  3. Mentored experiences where students acquire practical experience in designing and conducting research; and
  4. A dissertation experience that involves practice experience in designing and carrying out research (including analyzing and reporting of results both in writing and orally) in the student’s area of interest.

Program Overview

Admission Requirements

Admission requirements that apply specifically to this program are listed below:

  • A master's degree (preferred) or a demonstrated level of relevant work experiences is required.
  • Submit a writing sample the typical length of a manuscript (30 pages or less) along with the online application.
  • Submit a goal statement (1-2 pages) along with the online application.

Visit our Graduate Admission page for the full admission process.

Graduate Admission

Application for admission is made to the School of Education and Human Development Office of Admission & Enrollment. For more information about the graduate admission process, please visit our Graduate Admission page.


To learn more about specific courses taken as part of the completion of this degree, visit the graduate record website. These webpages represent the official repository for academic program requirements. 

The student must successfully complete a program of study determined by the Program Committee in one of three strands (statistical methods, qualitative research, or program evaluation).

All students must successfully complete 21 foundational course units in research, statistics, & evaluation in addition to course work specified by the program committee.

Coursework and Residency: The Ph.D. in education with a concentration in research, statistics, and evaluation program requires a minimum of 72 credits, although programs may require more. Students must complete at least 54 credits of coursework. This includes content courses and research methodology courses, and up to 3 credits of research apprenticeship per semester but does not include internship and dissertation credits. At least 36 course and apprenticeship credits must be completed after admission to the program. Students can apply up to 12 credits of dissertation work towards the total of 72. Students entering the doctoral program with a master’s degree can apply up to 24 hours of credit to their doctoral program, provided that the program area and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs agree that the courses are comparable to substitute for specific courses required in the doctoral program. Students will ordinarily complete the program in 4 years of full-time study.

Research Apprenticeship: Ph.D. students will participate in a research apprenticeship with their faculty advisors. This apprenticeship will occupy approximately 10 hours of each student’s week during the first and second years of study and may increase during the third and fourth years. During this apprenticeship, the student will assist with the advisor’s research and scholarship, which may include data collection, data analysis, library research, presentations, writing for publication, and other related activities.

Course Descriptions

Information on courses that are part of the Ph.D. in Education-Research, Statistics & Evaluation curriculum can be found on the UVA graduate record website.

Additional Program Details & Resources


Departmental fellowships and assistantships are provided to a select number of applicants each year. A typical funding package includes funding for nine months in a combination of wages and stipends, tuition and all mandatory fees, and funds to cover student health insurance costs. The University also offers a limited number of competitive fellowships for which students enrolled in Ph.D. programs may apply.

Visit the Fellowships, Scholarships, and Awards page for additional funding opportunities.

Program Faculty

Bethany A Bell

Bethany A. Bell

  • Associate Professor
Katrina Debnam Profile Photo

Katrina Debnam

  • Associate Professor
Nancy L Deutsch

Nancy L. Deutsch

  • Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
  • Linda K. Bunker Professor of Education
  • Director, Youth-Nex
Walter F. Heinecke

Walter F. Heinecke

  • Associate Professor
Michael Hull

Michael F. Hull

  • Assistant Professor
Timothy R. Konold

Timothy R. Konold

  • Professor
  • Research, Statistics, & Evaluation Program Director
Jim Soland

Jim Soland

  • Associate Professor
Krysti Webber profile photo

Kristina C. Webber

  • Associate Professor
Vivian Wong

Vivian Wong

  • Associate Professor

Current Ph.D. Students

Below are some current students in this program. Prospective students are encouraged to reach out to current students via email to inquire about the program experience.

Olivia Burke

Olivia Burke

  • Ph.D. Student
Sophie Yitong Yue

Sophie Yitong Yue

  • Ph.D. Student

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