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Quantitative Analytics in Education and the Social Sciences: M.Ed. - Master of Education

Preparing students for research roles as applied data scientists in settings that involve working with large data sets to address questions of substantive importance.

At a Glance

Program Results

M.Ed. - Master of Education

Quantitative Analytics in Education and the Social Sciences

Career Objective

Work in school systems, state education departments, testing companies, state and federal governments, private companies, and other organizations in which data analytics play a role. 

Best Suited To

  • Undergraduates or recent graduates looking to pursue more advanced training through completion of a graduate degree in research methodology, or seeking employment in the field of data analytics.
  • Existing professionals looking to complement their existing work. 

Program Type

  • Full Time
  • Part Time


  • In-Person

Application Deadline

Fall entry (full-time or part-time):

  • March 1 (early notification deadline)
  • July 1 (final deadline)

Spring entry (part-time only): November 1



About This Program

  • The M.Ed. in Quantitative Analytics and the Social Sciences program prepares students for research roles as applied data scientists in settings that involve working with large data sets to address questions of substantive importance.
  • Graduates have been employed in school systems, state education departments, testing companies, research centers, and community colleges; and have been accepted into competitive doctoral programs.
  • Components of the M.Ed. program include courses that focus on the fundamentals of research design and data analytics. The program also includes elective courses that allow students to acquire a deeper understanding of, and expertise in, specialized methods of inquiry and analytic tools.
  • The program is designed for full-time students to be able to complete the program in one calendar year. Part-time opportunity also available.

Students in the program will gain proficiency in:

  • managing and analyzing data;
  • developing and constructing research and technical reports;
  • developing an understanding of measurement, survey, and research design; and
  • communicating analytic results and interpretations to broad audiences.

Program Overview

Admission Requirements

Admission requirements that apply specifically to this program are listed below:

Prerequisites: The Master of Education in Quantitative Analytics in Education and the Social Sciences curriculum is designed to provide students with prior statistics experience with a core foundation in advanced quantitative research and analysis in education and the social sciences. Students who need to acquire prerequisite statistical knowledge will complete the foundational course EDLF 5330 – Quantitative Methods and Data Analysis I or similar, before beginning the program.

In addition, applicants must:

  • Hold a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university;
  • Have a “B” average or better for the last two years of undergraduate study;
  • Submit an application for admission and unofficial transcripts of all previous undergraduate and graduate work;
  • Submit at least two letters of recommendation from professionals who can attest to his/her promise as a graduate student and professional educator;
  • Submit a statement of professional goals (1-2 pages);
  • A writing sample is not required.

Graduate Record Exam (GRE) scores are not required. Visit our Graduate Admission page for the full admission process.

Information for Current UVA Undergraduates
If you are a current UVA undergraduate, view our Information for Current UVA Undergraduates page for info on admission into this program.

Graduate Admission

Application for admission is made to the School of Education and Human Development Office of Admission & Enrollment. For more information about the graduate admission process, please visit our Graduate Admission page.


To learn more about specific courses taken as part of the completion of this degree, visit the graduate record website. These webpages represent the official repository for academic program requirements.

The M.Ed. in Quantitative Analytics in Education and the Social Sciences is a 30-credit hour degree program, of which 3 credit hours must be a capstone project.

Required courses fit into the following categories:

  • Core courses 
  • Advanced modeling courses
  • Methodological electives
  • Capstone Experience / Research Internship

    Internship Option 1: The student will work closely with a research mentor on original research or comprehensive literature review. This option is similar to writing a thesis, but on a smaller scale. The final paper should be about the same length as a manuscript written for a scholarly journal. If conducting original research, the student must make a significant contribution to the work, as determined by their research mentor, though the student need not be the sole contributor (i.e., lead author).

    Internship Option 2: The student will obtain an internship with an organization in which they can obtain practical experience in data analytics. A written agreement between the student, the advisor, and the sponsoring organization must be in place prior to beginning the internship experience. This agreement will document the relevance of the experience to data analytics and must be approved by all parties.

Quantitative Analytics in Education and the Social Sciences Course Descriptions

Information on courses that are part of the M.Ed. in Quantitative Analytics in Education and the Social Sciences curriculum can be found on the UVA Graduate Record website.

Additional Program Details & Resources

M.Ed. in Quantitative Analytics in Education and the Social Sciences News

Program Faculty

Bethany A Bell

Bethany A. Bell

  • Associate Professor
Michael Hull

Michael F. Hull

  • Assistant Professor
Timothy R. Konold

Timothy R. Konold

  • Professor
  • Research, Statistics, & Evaluation Program Director
Jim Soland

Jim Soland

  • Associate Professor
Vivian Wong

Vivian Wong

  • Associate Professor

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