Jonee Wilson

Jonee Wilson

  • Assistant Professor
Currently inviting Ph.D. applications for fall 2025

Office Location

Bavaro Hall 234B
417 Emmet Street S
Charlottesville, VA 22903


Jonee Wilson's research focuses on examining and outlining instructional practices that empower and honor historically marginalized students specifically in the context of conceptually-oriented mathematics classrooms. She also focuses on professional development opportunities and other resources that support educators in learning, developing, and implementing such practices. 

Wilson is leading a project that focuses on developing and validating classroom observation tools that attend to aspects of equitable mathematics teaching and learning. In her other current research projects, she is using what she is learning about equitable mathematics instruction to support school and district leaders, instructional coaches, and teachers as they work to understand and develop practices that aim for equity. 

Wilson's work has been funded by the National Science Foundation and the Spencer Foundation. Her research has been featured in the Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, Urban Education, Journal of Mathematical Behavior, Teachers College Record, and the American Educational Research Journal. She received an early career publication award at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) from the Research in Mathematics Education Special Interest Group in 2020.

Wilson teaches mathematics methods courses and mathematics education courses. As a former high school teacher from Baltimore, she combines lessons learned from her experiences as a teacher and researcher in her instruction. 


Ph.D., Vanderbilt University
M.S., Towson University
B.S., Loyola University

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