A zoomed-in photo of hands holding a smartphone


Learn more about telehealth, assessment and learning services at the Sheila C. Johnson Center.

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Assessment and Intervention via Secure Videoconferencing

The Sheila C. Johnson Center's faculty and staff have gathered, implemented, and are making available specific science-based interventions particularly relevant to promoting child and adult health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our office continues to offer these teleservices in addition to our in-person services.

Forms Required for Your First Teleservice Appointment


About Our Tele-Practice Services

Clients participating in tele-practice benefit from the convenience of receiving services in their own homes, but also must make sure to create a home space with adequate privacy and minimal distraction for services. 


A child sitting on their parents lap in front of a laptop

For many clinical services, delivery via clinical videoconferencing has shown no differences in the quality and outcomes of services. For some services, modifications are required to ensure the quality and rigor of assessments and interventions. Clients of younger children may be asked to take a more active role during sessions than they are used to and all clients will likely be asked to convey forms and questionnaires over the Center's secure messaging system. 

Overall, it’s a smooth process that your clinician and assigned support staff will help guide you through. Although common problems can emerge, six decades of telehealth research suggest that many perceived barriers tend to fade away or are effectively addressed with flexibility and the vast majority of individuals receiving telehealth services endorse high rates of satisfaction.


  • Speech-language pathology assessments and interventions
  • Educational assessments, diagnoses, and reports
  • Psychological assessments and evidenced-based therapy
  • Reading assessments and intervention
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) assessments and behavioral interventions
  • Interventions for disruptive child behaviors 

Contact the Sheila C. Johnson Center

Sheila C. Johnson Center for Clinical Services

The Sheila C. Johnson Center for Clinical Services is a multidisciplinary clinic that provides personalized assessment and intervention services. Our mission is to deliver the highest quality science-based clinical services to the people of Charlottesville, the UVA community, Albemarle County, the Commonwealth of Virginia and beyond.

  • (434) 924-7034
  • Monday-Thursday: 8:30 am-5:30 pm; Friday: 8:30 am-5 pm