Research & Initiatives Research Centers & Labs Research Labs Motivate Lab Research Projects Research Projects More In Motivate Lab Motivate Lab Research Projects An Investigation of Summer Camp Reflection Practices Build Connections Crafting Success for Underrepresented Scientists and Engineers Developing a Research Agenda for the Transfer of Mindsets in Education and Employment Developmental Skills Linked to Math and Science Achievement Infusing Higher Education in Georgia with Learning Mindsets Learning Mindset Supports and Practices in Effective Postsecondary Advising Measures of Student Motivation for STEM Classrooms Mindset Transfer Camp to School Promoting Social Belonging in the Transition to High School Removing Barriers to Motivation in Community College Math Removing Barriers to Success in Mathematics Tennessee Pathways with Purpose Recent Motivate Lab projects include increasing motivation for community college math students, facilitating motivation and skills transfer from camp to school, and exploring motivation development across different pathways to employment.