Removing Barriers to Success in Mathematics: An Integrative Expectancy-Value Intervention
What We Do
The goal of this project is to adapt and scale-up a motivation-based intervention to 2-year college, front door math courses in order to facilitate student success. Ultimately, the project is meant to further develop a low cost, high-impact intervention that instructors can adopt as a regular class assignment.
Project Info
Status: September 2015 - August 2018
Partners: Valencia College
Funding: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Many students in the US face difficulties when attempting to complete front door mathematics requirements. The result is often that students are unable to graduate and progress in their academic pathways. The motivation interventions being adapted and refined in this project have demonstrated the ability to improve student motivation and achievement in an array of academic domains. Specifically, the project adopts mindset and value interventions to improve students’ beliefs that they can and should learn their course material.
Publications & Presentations
Kosovich, J.J., Hulleman, C. S., Phelps, J. & Lee, M. (2016, April). Improving Student Success in Developmental Math: A Utility Value Intervention. Poster accepted at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.
Kosovich, J.K., Hulleman, C.S., Cole, L., Centeno, J., Phelps, J. & Lee, M. (2015, October). Improving Developmental Math Pass Rates for Hispanic/Latino College Students: A Growth Mindset Intervention. Presented at the Northeastern Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Trumbull, CT.
Kosovich, J.J., & Hulleman C.S. (2015, August 5). Questioning the Evidence. [Weblog Article]. Curry School of Education.
Cole, L., Kosovich, J.J., Centeno, J., Loffredo, M., & Hulleman, C.S. (2015, March). Boosting Student Interest in Developmental Math with a Utility Value Intervention. Poster presented at the annual Curry Research Conference, Charlottesville, VA.
Kosovich, J.J. (2015, February). Aiding Student Engagement and Success using Psychological Research. Invited Talk at LaGuardia Community College, New York, NY.
Kosovich, J. (2014, Dec 18). Adapting Value and Mindset Interventions to the Community College Setting. [Weblog Article]. Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning. Retrieved from
Kosovich, J.J., Phelps, J., Hulleman, C.S., & Lee, M. (2014, July). Integrating Social Psychological Interventions: Using Mindset and Utility Value to Aid Developmental Math Students. Presentation conducted at the annual Carnegie Pathways Summer Forum.