Diet and Nutrition Research Laboratory

  • DAN
  • Research Lab
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What We Do

Our mission is to investigate the effect of diet on health and learning outcomes, especially in children. The lab consists of a metabolic kitchen and a feeding/dining area with a play space for our studies in children. 

Our Work

Current and recent DAN lab studies include the study of dietary intake behaviors in adults and children to explore a number of outcome metrics such as a) methods to improve diet quality to prevent obesity and other diet-related chronic diseases by modifying food intake, b) the relationship between different diets and feelings of hunger and fullness, c) dietary intake patterns in relation to SES and food environment variables, and d) the relationship between dietary intake and behavioral/learning outcomes. 

What We Hope

We are especially interested in examining how changes in intake behavior and physical activity affect risk factors of disease. Our studies include measurement and/or modification of physical activity. To find out about opportunities to participate in research (undergraduate and graduate students) to work with subjects, diet design and food preparation, and data analysis and dissemination of results contact DAN Director Dr. Sibylle Kranz, RD 

DAN Research Projects

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DAN Lab News

Associated Faculty

Sibylle Kranz

Sibylle Kranz

  • Associate Professor

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