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UVA alumnus, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and bestselling author Ron Suskind shares five areas of rapid growth and innovation in autism research and treatment at UVA.

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Amid the release earlier this spring of the Government Accountability Report and the Trump administration’s decision to revoke Obama-era guidelines around school discipline, there is national concern...

Tanya Evans, a neuroscientist who recently joined the faculty of the Curry School of Education, works at the intersection of education and neuroscience, studying brain data to understand how children learn.

In February another sadly familiar school shooting took place, this time at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Three School of Education and Human Development faculty members, whose research points to effective ways to make schools safe environments where students can thrive, have spoken up about what we can do moving forward.

Growing coalition of national education organizations sign onto eight-point violence prevention plan.

In the wake of the mass murder at a Florida high school, some suggest training and arming teachers with firearms will deter attacks. UVA associate professor Patricia Jennings, an expert in teacher stress, shares her views.

Diagnosing autism promptly can make a huge difference in a child’s development, but it may be challenging for some families to find a professional qualified to do so. A new approach being developed with the help of a UVA expert is helping broaden that pool.

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Young people’s engagement in the world around them can have a profound influence on society and on the individual, said Curry School professor Nancy Deutsch, who is organizing a conference on youth activism this week.

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In education circles, Carol Ann Tomlinson is known as the guru of differentiation. Her research-based work is in such high demand that she has made more than 700 presentations and keynote addresses to...

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