Rachel Kunemund
- Research Assistant Professor
Rachel Kunemund is the co-lead of the STORMED (Supporting Teachers through cOaching, obseRvations, and Multimedia to Educate students with Disabilities) team. She manages the S4 OSEP Stepping Up Technology Implementation grant, and is co-principal investigator for the newly funded VERIFY Stepping Up project.
A former teacher, she worked in elementary special education, primarily teaching students with autism spectrum disorder. Kunemund is also a former scholar with the National Center for Leadership in Intensive Interventions through Vanderbilt University. Her research interests focus efforts to improve outcomes for young students with chronic problem behavior in school settings. Specifically, her expertise and program of research focus on early student-teacher relationships and interactions, as well as student behavioral and academic outcomes.
Ph.D., Virginia Commonwealth University
M.Ed., Virginia Commonwealth University
B.S., Virginia Commonwealth University