Leave of Absences or Withdrawal

Defining a leave of absence or withdrawal

A leave of absence is a break, indefinite or otherwise, for a semester that has not started.

A withdrawal from the university includes:

  • Withdrawing from all your courses during a semester that is already underway
  • Planning to finish out a semester, and not return to the program
  • You are not currently enrolled and plan to leave a program of enrollment with no plans to return

To learn more about different types of leaves and withdrawals in degree-seeking programs explore the Undergraduate and Graduate Records. You can also learn more about returning to the University in the Record.

Processes & Procedures

For students in a degree-seeking program

If you are looking to take a leave of absence for an upcoming semester follow these instructions.

As a reminder, a leave of absence is a break, indefinite or otherwise, for a semester that has not started.

For students in a degree-seeking program

You will follow this process if you are:

  • the semester has started, and you would like to withdraw from all the classes you are taking right now (whether you intend to return next semester or not) OR
  • the semester has started, and you would like to complete all your classes this semester then withdraw from your program of enrollment OR
  • the semester has started, and even though you are not enrolled in any classes, you are looking to withdraw from the program and not return.

Download instructions here.

Withdraw Process

If you are not in a degree-seeking program email the EHD Registrar team and let them know that you are a non-degree seeking student and you'd like to withdraw from all your classes

Please make sure you are aware of the tuition refund schedules applicable before submitting this request or ask your advisor for more information.

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