Two students conversing as they walk to class

Admission for Current UVA Undergrads

Learn about the admission process for current UVA undergraduates.

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To join one of our majors, students must apply to transfer to the School of Education and Human Development from the College of Arts and Sciences. You may apply to Kinesiology, Youth and Social Innovation, Speech Communication Disorders, or a Teacher Education major during your first or second year of study.

You are encouraged to use the Request Information button above to receive the latest news from the school, attend an information session, or reach out to our office of Admission & Enrollment with questions you have about the application process.

Application for Current UVA Undergraduates

The application for current UVA undergraduates opens on November 1, 2024.

Open Classes

Although not required, as you consider applying to an EHD B.S.Ed. program, we encourage you to take an open class or two before applying. By doing so, you will be able to explore your major of interest and connect with our faculty and community.

Kinesiology Open Classes

  • KINE 2000: Introduction to Kinesiology
  • KINE 2200: Motor Development
  • KINE 3400: Nutrition
  • KINE 3420: Contemporary Health Issues

Kinesiology students should also take BIOL 2100 and 2200: Introduction to Biology with Laboratory.

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Speech Communication Disorders Open Classes

  • EDHS 2450: Introduction to Communication Disorders 
  • EDHS 3110: Understanding Autism 
  • EDHS 4300: Psycholinguistics and Communication 
  • EDIS 3020: Exceptional Learner 
  • EDLF 2080: Fundamentals of Health and Social Sciences Statistics 
  • EDLF 3150: Introduction to Child Growth and Development 
  • EDLF 4240: Multicultural Education 

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Teacher Education Open Classes

  • EDIS 2010: Teaching as a Profession + EDIS 2880: Field Experience
  • EDIS 3020: Exceptional Learner
  • EDIS 3040: Foundations of Early Childhood Development and Education (students applying to the Early Childhood major)
  • EDLF 3150: Introduction to Child Growth and Development (students applying to the Elementary or Special Education major)

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Youth and Social Innovation Open Classes

  • EDHS 1120: So You Want to Change the World: Foundations of Community Engagement
  • EDLF 2050: What the Innovators Do: Strategies to Transform the Lives of Youth
  • EDLF 3150: Introduction to Child Growth and Development
  • EDLF 3170: Introduction to Adolescence
  • EDLF 3000: Research Design for Social Innovation with Youth (recommended for students who have already decided to apply to the YSI major)

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General Education Requirements

General Education Requirements

The School of Education and Human Development has a different set of general studies requirements than the College of Arts and Sciences, though there is a lot of overlap. Use this information to plan your coursework. These general education requirements are specific to the B.S.Ed. in Speech Communication Disorders, the B.S.Ed. in Kinesiology, and the B.S.Ed. in Youth and Social Innovation programs.

UVA EHD Requirements College Designations
  • Artistic, Interpretive, and Philosophical Inquiry
  • Humanities
  • Social and Economic Systems
  • Historical Perspectives
  • Social Science
Data Literacy
  • Courses in these departments: MATH, STAT
Natural Sciences
  • Courses in these departments:
Cultural Literacy
  • Cultures and Societies of the World
  • Nonwestern Perspective
  • ...and UVA EHD courses:
    • EDIS 3060: Poverty and the Young Child
    • EDLF 3240: Education in Multicultural Societies
    • EDLF 3460: Race and Identity in Youth Development
    • EDLF 3610: Immigrant Youth and Families
    • EDLF 4610: Civil Rights Movement and Education

UVA EHD and the College of Arts and Sciences share the same requirements for first and second writing. Additional courses, including Engagements and Forums, transfer as general electives. Although they do not satisfy general education requirements, they count toward the 120 credits required for the degree.

General Education Requirements

Applicants for the B.S.Ed. in Early Childhood Education program, the B.S.Ed. in Elementary Education program, and B.S.Ed. in Special Education program must be on track to complete the Teacher Education general studies requirements, which are more specific than those of the College or other majors at the School of Education and Human Development. If you are applying as a rising third-year, although you do not need to have all requirements done, you should be nearly finished with these requirements when you apply.

First writing requirementThis requirement mirrors the College’s first writing requirement:
Second writing requirementAll teacher education majors will meet this requirement when they take EDIS 2800: Understanding P-12 Educational Contexts during the third year. Students do not need to take an additional course.
3 credits of mathematics

Any MATH or STAT course counts; recommended courses:

  • MATH 1150: The Shape of Space
  • MATH 1160: Algebra, Number Systems, and Number Theory

Students may not use the same course to fulfill the mathematics and data literacy requirements.

3 credits of data literacyAny STAT course counts, though teacher education students are strongly encouraged to take EDLF 2080: Fundamentals of Health and Social Science Statistics.
6 credits of natural science

Students must take a course from two different departments. Options include: 

  • Astronomy (ASTR)
  • Biology (BIOL)
  • Chemistry (CHEM)
  • Environmental Science (EVSC) or
  • Physics (PHYS)
6 credits of humanities

Students must take two courses, designated as:

  • Artistic, Interpretive, and Philosophical Inquiry (AIP) or
  • Humanities
3 credits of United States history

Students must take one approved course, designated as:

  • United States History (HIUS) or
  • American Politics (PLAP)

Please contact [email protected] for approved courses.

3 credits of world history

Students must take one course from the following departments:

  • HIAF (African) 
  • HIEA (East Asian) 
  • HIEU (European) 
  • HILA (Latin American) 
  • HIME (Middle Eastern) or
  • HISA (South Asian) 
3 credits of child development

Students intending to major in Early Childhood should take:

  • EDIS 3040: Foundations of Early Childhood Development and Education


Students intending to major in Elementary or Special Education should take one of the following:

  • PSYC 2700: Child Development
  • EDLF 3150: Introduction to Child Growth and Development
3 credits of nonwestern perspective or cultural literacy

Students must take one approved course, designated as:

  • Cultures and Societies of the World or
  • Nonwestern Perspective

Students may fulfill this requirement by taking one of the designated Cultural Literacy courses:

  • EDIS 3060: Poverty and the Young Child (strongly recommended for early childhood majors)
  • EDLF 3240: Education in Multicultural Societies
  • EDLF 3460: Race and Identity in Youth Development
  • EDLF 3610: Immigrant Youth and Families
  • EDLF 4610: Civil Rights Movement and Education

Students may also fulfill this requirement by studying abroad while enrolled at UVA. Note: teacher education students cannot study abroad during the fall and spring of the third and fourth year due to the nature of the program and requirements for school-based work.


Additional Details about Content Studies Requirements:

  • Advanced Placement (AP) credit may be applied toward these requirements if UVA awarded course credit.
  • Coursework taken at another institution can be counted toward these requirements but must appear on the UVA transcript.

All applicants must demonstrate good academic progress:

  • Cumulative undergraduate GPA: 2.7
  • Students who do not have a GPA of 2.7 at the time of their application may be considered for admission based a record of improvement over time.

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