Bullying & School Climate

Our research on bullying, which lead to the development of our authoritative school climate surveys, was conducted in a series of projects starting in 1998. It included our work on bullying with Burley Middle School, a Safe Schools/Healthy Students project with Albemarle County and Charlottesville City Schools, and statewide surveys of school climate and safety in Virginia middle and high schools.

The Authoritative School Climate Survey and associated research is freely available here.

Reports & Summaries

To communicate key study findings more concisely to our school partners, we prepared a series of one-page research summaries. You will find copies of the summaries in the folder linked below.

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The technical reports for the middle and high school climate surveys can be found in the folder linked below.

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To communicate key study findings more concisely to high school administrators, we prepared a series of one-page research summaries.

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Bullying & School Climate Projects

  • Research Project

Authoritative School Climate Survey

The Virginia Secondary School Climate Study was designed to examine school climate and safety conditions in Virginia middle and high schools.

  • Research Project


The Youth Violence Project has engaged in a series of bullying studies over the past 15 years. We help conduct a statewide survey of Virginia secondary schools as part of the Virginia School Safety Audit program. This work is undertaken in partnership with the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services and Department of Education.

  • Research Project

Virginia High School Safety Study

The Virginia High School Safety Study examined student safety, discipline, and support practices that best maintain a safe and orderly school environment and facilitate learning.