Project S4

  • Research Project

What We Do

The overarching purpose of Project S4 (Supporting Student Science Success Through Multimedia Learning and Teacher Professional Development) is to improve academic achievement for middle school students with disabilities, thus helping them prepare for rigorous high school coursework and beyond.

Supporting Student Science Success Through Multimedia Learning and Teacher Professional Development

Through all aspects of this project, students with disabilities (SWD), English Leaners (ELs), and others who are at-risk for these challenges will gain access to evidence-based instructional technology through a series of multimedia modules intended to boost understanding of core concepts in science courses.  Specifically, students will use content acquisition podcasts (see for samples), and visualizations and simulations of science concepts ( to improve overall science performance.  Teachers will receive professional development in part using the Classroom Teaching (CT) Scan ( and multimedia modules (see  

Project S4 is funded by a grant from the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) within the U.S. Department of Education (Grant # H327S190004).  

Project Team

Jennifer Chiu

Jennifer Chiu

  • Associate Professor
Michael Kennedy

Michael J. Kennedy

  • Professor
William Therrien Profile Photo

William J. Therrien

  • Thomas G. Jewell Professor of Education
  • Director, STAR Research in Practice

Related Lab

  • Research Lab

Supporting Teachers Through Coaching, Observations, and Multimedia to Educate Students with Disabilities

Scholars on the STORMED Team conduct research related to the design, implementation, and experimental testing of multimedia-based interventions to support pre- and in-service teachers' knowledge and implementation of evidence-based practices on behalf of students with disabilities and others who struggle.

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