LaVae M Hoffman

LaVae M. Hoffman

  • Associate Professor
  • Communication Sciences and Disorders Program Director

Office Location

Bavaro Hall 227
PO Box 400267
417 Emmet Street S
Charlottesville, VA 22903


LaVae Hoffman specializes in child language development and disorders. Her research interests include the efficacy and effectiveness of language interventions, as well as developing measures of language abilities in children. She regularly presents to practicing speech-language pathologists on topics related to the academic success of children with language deficits, such as Response to Intervention, narrative assessment, literature-based language intervention, dynamic assessment, and information processing.

Hoffman's recent research projects have included an assessment of evidenced-based practices in speech-language pathology in public schools across the nation, analyses of narrative language skills, and investigating the psychometric properties of oral language measures with school-aged children who have language disorders. Hoffman also serves as core faculty in Leaders for Tomorrow's Children, a doctoral training program that is funded by the U.S. Department of Education. Her primary development initiative is funding her Child Language Disorders Laboratory. Hoffman is also a member of the University Academy of Teaching.

Prior to coming to UVA, Hoffman served as a research coordinator for an NIH-funded multi-year, multi-site, randomized controlled trial research project which investigated language intervention with school-age children. The quality and impact of her research has been nationally recognized via American Speech Language Hearing Association (ASHA) Editor's Awards.

Currently, she chairs the Coordinating Committee of ASHA's Special Interest Group 1:  Language Learning and Education, and also serves the profession as an associate editor for the peer-reviewed journal Language, Speech and Hearing Services in Schools.


Ph.D. University of Texas at Austin
M.A. University of Minnesota at Duluth
B.A.S. University of Minnesota at Duluth

Curriculum Vitae


  • Language development and disorders in children
  • Cognition, attention, and language issues in preschool and school age children
  • Efficacy of intervention
  • Research-based support for parents of children with language deficits who are experiencing limited academic success