What We Do

The COACHED web app (Capturing Observations and Collaboratively sHaring Educational Data) offers a suite of evidence-based coaching tools and professional learning materials. 

COACHED contains four core elements:

  1. The Classroom Teaching (CT) Scan observation tool and accompanying data-driven outputs (https://coachedweb.azurewebsites.net/);
  2. A customizable feedback template that automatically populates using observation data captured using the CT Scan;
  3. A dashboard that allows stakeholders to access data, coaching reports, and personalized goals; and
  4. A library of multimedia vignettes teachers and others can watch to receive just in time professional development about practices where improvement may be needed (see www.spedintro.com for samples).

The COACHED suite, in the hands of a skilled coach, administrator, teacher educator, or teacher (pre- or inservice) who is self-reflecting, can illuminate the quality and quantity with which specific practices are being implemented, and provide a clear and sustainable mechanism for making needed improvements.

COACHED Publications

Kunemund, R. L., Kennedy, M. J., Carlisle, L. M., VanUitert, V. J, & McDonald, S. D. (2021). A multimedia option for delivering feedback and professional development to teachers. Journal of Special Education Technology. doi: 10.1177/0162543211004121

Related Lab

  • Research Lab

Supporting Teachers Through Coaching, Observations, and Multimedia to Educate Students with Disabilities

Scholars on the STORMED Team conduct research related to the design, implementation, and experimental testing of multimedia-based interventions to support pre- and in-service teachers' knowledge and implementation of evidence-based practices on behalf of students with disabilities and others who struggle.

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