Glen Bull

Glen L. Bull

  • Professor

Office Location

Ridley Hall 254
405 Emmet Street S
Charlottesville, VA 22903


Glen Bull is a professor of instructional technology. He developed one of the nation’s first statewide K-12 internet systems, Virginia’s Public Education Network (PEN). He is a founding member and past president of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), and a recipient of the Willis Award for Outstanding Lifetime Achievement in Technology and Teacher Education. He currently provides leadership for the National Technology Leadership Coalition, a consortium of national teacher-educator associations and national educational technology associations. He serves as editor of Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, a peer-reviewed journal jointly sponsored by five professional associations representing science education (ASTE), mathematics education (AMTE), English education (CEE), social studies (CUFA), and educational technology (SITE).


Ph.D., Ohio State University, 1976
M.A., Ohio State University-Columbus, 1975

Curriculum Vitae


  • Technology in K-12 education

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