Courtney Framel
- Education and Outreach Manager
Office Location
Ridley Hall 255
417 Emmet St S
Charlottesville, VA 22903
Profile Type
Courtney Framel is a licensed school social worker with a career spanning nearly a decade. After graduating from San Diego State University with a master’s in social work that includes specializations in school social work and clinical practice with children and families, Framel took a role with the San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency. Her two years of experience in this role not only enriched her understanding of systemic challenges, but also created a passion for collaborating with community members to build the capacity for social justice and community well-being. Recognizing the need for more preventative work, she transitioned from this role to a school social work position. She has spent the last seven years working with students from preschool to kindergarten in a variety of schools across the United States. She has worked with schools to create social emotional and restorative practice programs and build stronger relationships with families and community members. She has also been heavily involved with Girls on the Run in Durham, NC, specifically working to make the extracurricular opportunity accessible to all.
Framel's interest in educational opportunities and well-being extends beyond direct interactions with students. As a current Ed.D. student, her research pursuits reflect a keen interest in staff mental health, restorative practices, and fostering self-reflection. Recognizing that a harmonious educational environment also requires collaboration with families and the broader community, Courtney actively engages in initiatives aimed at bridging these essential relationships.
M.S.W., San Diego State University, 2014
B.A., Concordia University Chicago, 2009