
Cody Lloyd

  • Teacher Education Specialist

Office Location

Bavaro Hall
PO Box 400267
417 Emmet Street S
Charlottesville, VA 22903


Cody Lloyd works with students in both the undergraduate and graduate teacher education programs for on-Grounds students. As the primary contact for the undergraduate program, he guides students as they pursue majors in early childhood education, elementary education, or special education. He advises all teacher candidates as they navigate the milestones needed to obtain licensure. Additionally, Lloyd works in collaboration with school partners to make clinical placements and assign coaches. As a first-generation student himself, he enjoys facilitating community college outreach while supporting both transfer students and fellow first-gens as they pursue their educational goals.

In his previous roles, Lloyd worked with residential and distance learners at the undergraduate and graduate levels.


M.A., West Virginia University, 2020
B.A., Christopher Newport University, 2013