Christine Powell

Christine Powell

  • Project Manager

Office Location

Ridley Hall
405 Emmet Street S 
Charlottesville, VA 22903


Christine Powell is a project manager of the STORMED (Supporting Teachers through cOaching, obseRvations, and Multimedia to Educate students with Disabilities) lab. She manages the Project FRaME (Using Feedback, Reflection, and Multimedia to teach Evidence-based practices in classroom management) grant.

A former special educator, Powell worked in elementary and secondary education, supporting students in inclusive settings. As the special education team lead, she developed a passion for fostering the growth and development of teachers. Her research focuses on understanding the characteristics of professional development and mentorship that enhance special educators’ teaching practices and improve special education teacher retention and student outcomes. Through her research, she hopes to amplify the voices of teachers of color and share innovative ways to recruit and retain special educators.


Ph.D., Virginia Commonwealth University
M.Ed., Virginia Commonwealth University
M.S., Virginia Commonwealth University
B.S., Virginia Commonwealth University