Training Resources
- Educational programs for students, parents, and teachers Three 15-25 minute online programs introducing threat assessment.
- Educational programs for threat assessment teams Three 20-30 minute programs covering basics, school discipline, and case management.
- NCSS Webinar: Essential Elements of School Threat Assessment 1-hour webinar with slides and transcript by Dewey Cornell, PhD.
- Ohio School Threat Assessment Training videos 3-hour series of videos created by the Ohio Attorney General.
- Winward Academy School Safety and Security Curriculum 5-part training program on threat assessment by Dr. Reid Meloy.
- School Reentry After Covid-19: A Trauma Informed Approach to Managing Anxiety and Promoting Social and Emotional Wellness Webinar by Dr. Scott Poland.
- NCSS Webinar: Getting Buy-In for Anonymous Reporting Systems 1- hour webinar by Kenji Okuma and Anathea Simpkins of Sandy Hook Promise.
- NCSS Webinar: Operationalizing Evidence-Based School Safety Programs 1-hour on-demand webinar; part one of a three-part series on school safety program planning and implementation.
- NCSS Webinar: Engaging Stakeholders in School Safety Program Planning 1-hour on-demand webinar; part two of a three-part series on school safety program planning and implementation.
- NCSS Webinar: Sustaining School Safety Programs 1-hour on-demand webinar; part three of a three-part series on school safety program planning and implementation.