Clubs & Organizations
EHD Initiatives
EHD initiatives are schoolwide and open to all students who are interested in participating.
C.A.R.E. is a weekly discussion group open to all graduate and undergraduate EHD students. The group is conversation-based, includes open-ended discussions, and is co-created with input from both participants and facilitators. We strive to create a place to promote meaningful conversations about diversity, racial equity, and social justice; enhance participants' capacity and comfort working with diverse populations; and share individual experiences with race and privilege. We also hope that participants come away with increased cultural and racial self-awareness and appreciation for new perspectives, in order to engage in the world in a way that leverages privilege and promotes inclusion and equity. There are flexible topics for each week (e.g., identity; Charlottesville; systemic racism across different systems; racial justice and Black lives).
The group is led by graduate clinicians in training from the Clinical and School Psychology program (under supervision). C.A.R.E. groups are held in person and on a HIPAA-protected Zoom platform to ensure privacy and remain in accordance with social distancing guidelines.
Fees: None
Contact: Belinda Hernandez
The Hunter Student Research Conference (HSRC) is an opportunity for both undergraduate and graduate students to share their research while gaining valuable experience proposing, preparing, and presenting their work in a supportive environment. This opportunity involves (a) working in the planning committee, (b) becoming a reviewer or volunteer, (c) presenting at the conference, and/or (d) participating in the conference. The conference takes place in March every year.
Requirements: If you are interested in serving as a reviewer or a volunteer, or you would like to present your research at the conference, please stay tuned to the latest updates on our website.
Fees: none
Website: Hunter Student Research Conference
Contact: Anna Yonas
Contracted Independent Organizations or CIOs at UVA act independently of the University and are not covered by the University's risk management plans. UVA CIOs are required to update yearly paperwork with Central Student Affairs.
The Counselor Education Student Organization (CESO) aims to foster community among students pursuing a career in counseling and works to advance and advocate on behalf of the counseling profession at the University of Virginia and in the local Charlottesville community. We seek to connect students to professional development, academic, and/or community service opportunities within or related to the field of counseling or education.
Requirements: Enrolled in the counselor education graduate program
Fees: $40 per year
Contact: Natalie Behnke
EdCouncil represents the student body of the School of Education and Human Development at the University of Virginia. Our mission is to improve the experience of students through initiatives that enrich the intellectual, social, and cultural aspects of their lives.
Requirements: Full-time degree-seeking students in the School of Education and Human Development.
Fees: none
Website: Education Council
Contact: Maya Johnson
National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA) is a pre-professional membership association for students interested in the study of communication sciences and disorders. NSSLHA is an association for students managed by students. National policy and activities are governed by 10 students (Regional Councilors) and five ASHA members (Faculty).
Requirements: To remain active, members must pay dues by October 1 each year. Undergraduates must attend 4 events throughout the year to meet requirements for obtaining a graduation cord.
Fees: $20 annually
Website: National Student Speech Language Hearing Association
Contact: Elise Ebert
SVEA is a professional preservice organization for aspiring future educators. SVEA provides opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students to explore the field of education through community outreach and professional development. The UVA chapter of the SVEA seeks to provide pre-professionals with meaningful opportunities to engage with the education community on- and off-grounds.
Requirements: This organization is open not only to those who wish to pursue teaching as a career but to any students seeking to enter the field of education. Complete the membership interest form here.
Fees: $15 annually. We understand financial difficulties may arise, and we are willing to work with our members.
Website: Student Virginia Education Association
Academic Groups
Academic student organizations are based within a specific academic discipline at EHD.
The Kinesiology Club at UVA is an opportunity for students within the larger UVA and school of education communities to come together through shared interests in science, exercise, nutrition, and health. We aim to foster a stronger sense of community among kinesiology students and faculty by offering events on career exploration and course advising. The club also works to increase relationships between kinesiology students of different years through volunteer events, wellness activities, and skill workshops.
Requirements: Subscribe to the mailing list here.
Fees: none
Contact: Emily Kyaw and Walker Swanson
Affinity Groups
EHD affinity groups are a group of students linked by common interests or purposes.
BSWG provides a space for doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows to exercise and enhance their writing skills in a supportive community. Each month, BSWG comes together to write and participate in professional development seminars focused on various writing styles (book length, journal articles, OpEds, etc.), securing grants, publishing, and navigating academia as scholars.
Requirements: Any doctoral student (Ph.D./Ed.D.) or postdoctoral fellow at the University of Virginia School of Education and Human Development (EHD) and the Department of Psychology can attend our monthly full-day writing sessions, monthly half-day sessions, or periodic social events.
Fees: none
Website: Black Scholars Writing Group
Contact: Todd Hall, A'Zure Latimer and Sasha Miller-Marshall
Critical Whiteness Study Group is a book group open for anyone to join our shared reading and critical discussions about disrupting white supremacy culture (e.g., racial hierarchy, white privilege, capitalism) at the root of the inequity. We aim to meet monthly over the summer to discuss a book that addresses whiteness and disrupting white supremacy.
Requirements: We welcome anyone who is interested in critically studying whiteness and addressing the individual and systemic factors that maintain racial hierarchy. We welcome emerging and established scholars from various disciplines with a connection to education to join us.
Fees: none
Website: Critical Whiteness Study Group
Contact: Allison Rae Ward-Seidel
Our goal is to support LGBTQIA2S educators in showing up authentically and allied educators in creating safe preK-12 spaces.
Requirements: LovEd is open to undergraduate and graduate EHD students who identify as members of the LGBTQIA2S community and allies who advocate and privilege the experience of marginalized identities.
Fees: none
Website: LovEd
Contact: Ryan Burke
A student organization committed to challenging dominant narratives, disrupting systems of oppression and inequity, empowering students to recognize and activate their agency and creating sustainable changes within the School of Education and Human Development community.
Requirements: A desire to engage with other graduate students around equity, diversity, and social justice
Fees: none
Website: SEEDS4Change
Contact: Allison Rae Ward-Seidel