A clinician speaking to a patient

Autism Spectrum Services

Supporting individuals and families in navigating the challenges presented by autism spectrum disorders.

The Autism Spectrum Services are boosted by our connection with the School of Education and Human Development, and our colleagues across the University. The Supporting Transformative Autism Research (STAR) initiative, led by the School in partnership with our colleagues, aims to improve the lives of those with autism through groundbreaking research and training.  

Autism Spectrum Services: 

  • Autism diagnostic evaluations
  • Group social skills training for children, teens, and young adults
  • Individual and family therapy for challenges associated with autism, such as difficulty with behavior, social skills, organization and planning, self-care, or co-occurring mental health issues like anxiety or depression. 


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Specialty Services for Autism

Autism Evaluations

Diagnostic Assessments for ASD: We provide evaluations for toddlers, children, and adolescents who are thought to possibly have autism spectrum disorder. Assessments provide relevant diagnoses as well as recommendations for intervention and educational/vocational planning. 

Assessments for Treatment Planning: These evaluations are designed for children/adolescents who already have been diagnosed with ASD. Our clinicians complete cognitive, educational, behavioral, and/or emotional assessments to make recommendations for intervention and educational/vocational planning.

Social Skills Groups for Children, Teens, and Young Adults

We offer social skills groups for children, teens, and young adults with ASD. We use the PEERS and Children’s Friendship Training curriculums, and both involve a caregiver participating as a social coach. The focus of our social skills groups is on learning and practicing social skills like: 

  • Having a conversation, joining groups, and getting together with peers
  • Using humor appropriately and being a good sport
  • Managing disagreements, teasing, and bullying…and more! 

Groups periodically run for different ages and are based on when enough people have expressed interest to form a group cohort. To be added to our social skills group interest list, please call 434-924-7034. Our clinicians will then contact you if a group is forming that may be appropriate.

Contact Us for More Information

Individual & Family Therapy for Youth With ASD

Our clinicians provide therapy services for children and adolescents with autism. Telehealth services may be available. Therapists work with both the child and the child’s caregivers, and for young children, the focus is on parent-led strategies. Therapy may address: 

  • Challenging behavior (tantrums, noncompliance)
  • Social skills 
  • Executive functioning (attention, organization, goal setting)
  • Emotional regulation
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Daily living skills (self-care, navigating the community)

RUBI Parent Training for Challenging Behavior

The evidence-based RUBI program is designed for caregivers of children with ASD up to age 10. Caregivers meet one-on-one with a clinician for 11-16 weeks to learn strategies for increasing positive behavior and reducing challenging behavior (tantrums, aggression, noncompliance). Telehealth available.

Consultation on School Supports for Children with Developmental Disorders

SJC clinicians with expertise in school supports for children with developmental disabilities (autism, intellectual disability, language delays, etc.) are available to consult with caregivers and school personnel about how to support their child in school. This includes consultation around: 

  • Increasing positive behavior in the classroom and decreasing challenging behavior 
  • Supporting your child’s academic skill acquisition in the classroom
  • Boosting social engagement and peer connection at school 
  • Improving study skills (organization, planning) or self-care skills across school and home
  • 504 Plans and Individualized Education Programs (IEP)

These appointments may occur in the clinic or via telehealth, and participation by caregivers and school personnel is encouraged. 

Contact the Sheila C. Johnson Center

Sheila C. Johnson Center for Clinical Services

The Sheila C. Johnson Center for Clinical Services is a multidisciplinary clinic that provides personalized assessment and intervention services. Our mission is to deliver the highest quality science-based clinical services to the people of Charlottesville, the UVA community, Albemarle County, the Commonwealth of Virginia and beyond.

  • (434) 924-7034
  • Monday-Thursday: 8:30 am-5:30 pm; Friday: 8:30 am-5 pm