Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program
What We Do
VKRP measures mathematics, self-regulation, and social skills to complement Virginia's statewide assessment of literacy skills using the Virginia Language and Literacy Screening System (VALLSS).
Who We Are
The Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program (VKRP) builds a more comprehensive understanding of school readiness and success in the fall and spring of pre-kindergarten and kindergarten. For more details about the initiative, view the VKRP Snapshot and visit the VKRP website.
Project Info
Project Status: Active
Funding Source: Virginia Department of Education
Detailed reports at the student, classroom, school, and division/program levels can be used by teachers, families, administrators, school/division leaders, and other stakeholders. VKRP reports provide actionable information to help meet students’ needs at their current skill level, linking to recommended instructional resources. The reports also provide a snapshot of how students’ skills have grown across the year.
A combination of resources including training opportunities, instructional skill and strategy guides, a family resource library, and regular blog posts help teachers, administrators, and families to get the most out of VKRP.
VKRP Growth
In 2019, the Virginia General Assembly passed legislation that required all kindergarten students be assessed annually using VKRP (HB30, Item 137, H).
During the 2021-2022 school year, VKRP became available to all publicly-funded preschool programs.
VKRP Website
Learn more about the Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program by visiting their full website.
Project Leaders
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