STREAMin³ Curriculum Model
What We Do
STREAMin³ is a comprehensive curriculum model for birth to five that seamlessly blends a focus on academic and social-emotional learning. For more details about the initiative, visit the STREAMin³ website.
Project Info
Project Status: Active
Funding Source: Virginia Department of Education
Principal Investigator: Amanda Williford
Co-PIs: Kate Matthew, Virginia Vitiello
STREAMin³ is a comprehensive curriculum model for birth to five that seamlessly blends a focus on academic and social-emotional learning.
Researchers at the Center for Advanced Study of Teaching and Learning (CASTL), in collaboration with Elevate Early Education (E3), and piloted at The New E3 School, designed an innovative, engaging and interaction-based curriculum model using the latest developmental and early education research. The STREAM: Integrated, Intentional, Interactions (STREAMin³) Curriculum focuses on five core skills that form the building blocks for later learning and six STREAM skills to prepare children for success in kindergarten and beyond. The model includes a variety of activities and routines, coaching, assessments and professional development for teachers.
For more details about the initiative, visit the STREAMin3 website.
Project Team
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