Replication of Jenkins, Schulze, Marti, and Harbaugh’s (2017) study
What We Do
Gage, Talbott, and Cook will conduct a replication of Morgan, Frisco, Farkas, and Hibel’s (2010) study examining the efficacy of special education in math, reading, and behavior among a nationally representative group of 5th-grade students using propensity matching scoring and the ECLS-K data set.
Gage et al. will replicate the study among a nationally representation group of 4th-grade students in mathematics achievement using the National Center for Teacher Effectiveness Main Study data set.
Two analyses will be replicating Jenkins, Schulze, Marti, and Harbaugh’s (2017) study:
CASPER member Chris Lemons and Samantha Gesel are conducting a direct replication of Jenkins et al.’s (2017) study, which estimated students’ “true growth” on oral reading fluency CBM measures, simulated different progress monitoring schedules, and conducted OLS regression and binomial tests to examine the relative decision-making accuracy and timeliness of each schedule. In addition to replicating the analyses used by Jenkins and colleagues with a different sample of students, Gesel and Lemons will be conducting additional, extension analyses that will use (a) a priori decision rules to assess the sufficiency of each progress monitoring’s accuracy and (b) statistical tests to assess differences in timeliness across progress monitoring schedules.
CASPER member Erica Lembke and Erica Mason are conducting a conceptual replication of Jenkins et al.’s (2017) study. They will be replicating the analyses used by Jenkins and colleagues with a different sample of students using CBM measures in mathematics.