Politics in the Classroom: A Faculty Workshop

With Professor Rachel Wahl, associate professor and director of the Social Foundations of Education Program School of Education and Human Development

  • - EDT
  • Ridley Hall 206

Controversial political issues often arise as topics of conversation within classrooms -- whether intentionally as part of an instructor’s aims for a course or unintentionally due to student interest. This workshop will support faculty in developing inclusive and respectful strategies for fielding students’ comments and concerns. It will begin with a brief overview of Wahl’s research with a focus on the practical implications for navigating classroom discussions. The majority of the time will be spent workshopping the scenarios faculty encounter and means of addressing the concerns that arise within them.

To attend this workshop, please RSVP by completing this form. Lunch will be provided.

Event Information

Event Sponsor

  • Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion