Youth-Nex Talk: Dr. Dan Flannery

Challenges to Positive Youth Development: Violence & Mental Health in Everyday Life

  • - EDT
  • Ridley Hall 302

Youth-Nex is hosting Dr. Dan Flannery, Professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics at Case University Hospitals of Cleveland and Director of the Begun Center of Violence Prevention, Research and Education, for a research talk about "Challenges to Positive Youth Development: Violence & Mental Health in Everyday Life." Bagels and coffee will be provided.

UVA grad students are welcome to join a small group discussion with the speaker, and should RSVP before April 18th via [email protected].

Talk Description: This presentation will provide findings from a series of studies on the relationship between violence exposure as witness or victim and child and adolescent mental health with a particular focus on violent behavior and trauma symptoms. Another focus will be on the relationship between threats and violent behavior in community and at-risk populations of youth including risk for school shootings mediated by mental health challenges. Findings from several large initiatives will also be presented including: 1) the work of the state of Ohio funded Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health Center of Excellence, an evidence-based training and technical assistance effort that also gathers pre-post treatment data; 2) screening, assessment and treatment outcome data on violence and trauma from the US Department of Justice Defending Childhood Initiative; 3) longitudinal findings from the 15 year Behavioral Health/Juvenile Justice Initiative; and 4) Evaluation findings from a sample of county based interventions to improve youth outcomes and well-being. Implications for prevention, intervention and policy will be provided. In addition, a brief overview of the structure, function and operation of the multi-disciplinary Begun Center for Violence Prevention will be provided.

This event has a virtual streaming option available for designated remote employees. To receive the Zoom link, please email [email protected].

Event Information

Event Sponsor

  • Youth-Nex